Ultimate Guide To Bigfoot Camping Trips


I’m going to kick things off by chatting about Backwoods Bigfoot Camping so in this blog we are going to walk through how to start planning your very own Bigfoot Camping trip for the Ultimate encounter.

It’s not just about traipsing through the woods with a pair of binoculars; it’s a blending of outdoor savvy, scientific curiosity, and an adventurous spirit. You’re going to find out that preparation is just as crucial as the hunt itself. Let’s start,

Planning a trip requires attention to detail. You’ll need to consider when and where you’re most likely to encounter Bigfoot. This isn’t just about picking a spot on the map; it’s about understanding migration patterns, sighting reports, and Habitat. If you follow these steps you will have a very good chance of encountering a Bigfoot.


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Okay so let’s look at some – Migration Patterns, What We know !

Bigfoot reports & sightings in Alberta Rockies are year around but the summer months from June to Aug are Very high activity, Months seems to be more reports on sighting with closer encounters so its a great chance to see Bigfoot. For Researchers, Hikers, Campers , Travelers just passing through the Rockies.

The Fall and winter months are mostly hunters finding footprints on there travels that are found and recorded along with structure that the hunters come across . There are a few sightings from, Researchers, and the hunters. As Bigfoot need to hunt too.

When to go

Best results will be in the Summer months best time to search. Me personally i like going all year round but i enjoy camping and researching.

Where to go

Moose Mountain Fire Rd, Bragg Creek, AB NEAREST ROAD: Highway 66

There are a few reports on a few different website that i check and good Bragg creek has had a few sighting that match with two of these site i check out.

I enjoy reading websites to get information when i’m thinking about taking a Bigfoot-trip As i like to plan my trips off these reports, To make a better and safer trip for the encounter.

so my number one tool is this website to check out on Bigfoot stats

Alberta Sasquatch

Link will take you to the map of Bigfoot sighting /reports. Also this website is filled with amazing information on Bigfoot. Check them out !!

Now i have been emailing with one of the founder of Alberta Sasquatch and they are very helpful as well as very friendly.

Also this group is having there Public Camping trip for the search of Bigfoot its a weekend thing with lot of great people , Activities, with great camp Stories, If your looking for a camping trip to find Bigfoot and its your first time i recommend Check them out. This is a very amazing opportunity to check out Especially for new beginners.

Alberta Sasquatch Public Camping trip 6th Annual.

This link you can find out more info about the event Also to order your tickets if you choose to want to go to this years event it will be Sept 13 2024. I’m going to try to join and make it this year if i can.

My second spot of choice is the BFRO for info to help my search.

BFRO – Bigfoot Field Research organization 

So now we know where to go either as a group that you can join or if you choose to try your own trip this is what this blog is all about helping you experience the Hunt of Bigfoot.


Your safety and the protection of natural habitats are paramount.

3 thing for your safety at all times on a Bigfoot trip.

  1. A Rescue Plan– Let someone know where you plan on going. How long you will be gone on this journey ? When will you be returning.? Go over a map with the person you pick so if they do have to come looking they know where what area to search for you.
  2. SPRAY & LOUD HORN – So i’m not a gun person but i do carry SABRE spray as well as a bear horn i just take these two great products are a must to have on your belt at all time. You need to remember you are walking though areas where you will encounter Bears ,Wolves, Cougars these are animals-are out there and can be very dangerous to encounter.
  3. Emergency Survival Gear Kit [Must Have Survival Gear] All of the items have been tested to ensure they can withstand even the toughest emergencies and conditions, such as outdoor adventure, Hunting, Camping, Hiking, Travel, natural disasters such as earthquake, tornado, floods

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 In my opinion, success in Bigfoot hunting is largely influenced by your preparedness before you even step foot in the wilderness. So, choose your destination wisely, respect the environment, and gear up for what’s ahead. And that leads us to planning the best equipment for your research, which is just as vital as the journey itself.

Equipping the Bigfoot Researcher: Ultimate Camping list

Now, if you’re going to hunt for Bigfoot, you can’t just stroll into the woods with a flashlight and a sense of adventure. Sure, those are important, but the right gear can make or break your expedition. I’m here to help you with piecing together your Bigfoot researcher’s toolkit.

It’s not just about blending in with the environment, though camouflage can help. Choose clothing that’s durable, to withstand the underbrush, and layers for variable temperatures. Footwear is crucial; go for waterproof, supportive boots. with a high end SOCK’S These are just a few things to think about taking.

  • The Ultimate 30 Gear Check list for a 3 Day Bigfoot trip

Awesome now we know what we should have and need on this wild Bigfoot adventure.

You’re probably already thinking about your next major consideration: where you’re going to rest your head after a long day of tracking. But we’ll tackle that in the next section.

Setting up base camp on your adventures

Choosing optimal camping site is crucial when you’re in Bigfoot’s backyard. Your site isn’t just about convenience; it’s about survival. As fun as the trip will be we need to respect the wildlife in the area.

 Dangerous Animals  are around you at all time remember we are in there backyard searching for Bigfoot. You may encounter Bears, Coyotes, Cougars, , Wolves, Learning about these animals will make the trip safer and more enjoyable.

So lets set up our Tent and sleeping bag, Camping Chairs, Now that we have that all set up, Lets grab that fishing line along with the bells that i told you to pack. Now you maybe wondering what do we need these for?

Well i like to pack these for one reason and that safety. what we are going to do is put the bells on the fishing line and we are going to run that fishing line around the trees of the campsite. making a outer square this will be your first line of defense and will alert us if animal wonders in to the camp.

So from here we want to put up the Trail cam’s on a tree facing the campsite in front of the tent this way if the bells go off we have the trail cam out side and our monitor will be in the tent with us. So we can see what we are dealing with out side before we have to open the tent.

Remember you’re out to observe and find evidence of Bigfoot, so your campsite should leave no trace. So with a shovel there is one in the Survival Kit . Lets dig a fire pit 2 foot by 2 foot that should be a nice size pit to work with. because once we are done at this campsite we can fill the hole back in and leave no trace . Once you are done digging the pit lets go pick some dead fallen wood that is laying around the campsite.This way we are not hurting the environment by killing healthy trees.

Also, let’s not forget about a robust, reliable camp stove. It’s a safer option than an open fire, which can be seen and smelled from miles. very good way to track unwanted animal.

Sustainable camping practices are your responsibility. The goal is to maintain the integrity of the wilderness you’re exploring. That means packing out what you pack in, using biodegradable soaps, and respecting wildlife habitats. You can’t expect to find Bigfoot if your presence disrupts the ecosystem.

So now that we have our site all set up and ready to enjoy lets look at some meals.

Fueling the Hunt: Planning Meals and Packing Nutrition for the Trail

I’m going to emphasize the crucial role food plays in your Bigfoot hunting adventure. Out in the wilderness, you need energy, and that’s exactly what good, nutritious food gives you. This isn’t just about keeping hunger at bay; it’s also about maintaining sharp focus and physical stamina during your expedition.

So lets take a brake and enjoy the wilderness and enjoy some great fishing. With the Fishing Rod and Reel Combo Graphite Carbon Rod Portable Travel Camping Kit  . So lets go see what we can catch to eat , fish is a very rich in calcium phosphorus its a great source of minerals.

In my experience, a Bigfoot hunter should prioritize food that packs a lot of energy in small, lightweight packages. Think proteins, good fats, and complex carbs. These will keep your engine running without weighing down your backpack.

You can always adjust your approach down the road, but start with planning meals that are easy to cook and consume. High-energy snacks like nuts and trail mixes are your friends. And don’t forget plenty of water and ways to purify water from natural sources!

Choose something that resonates with you when it comes to meals. If you prefer hot, cooked food, a compact camping stove is a necessity. On the other hand, if you’re fine with cold meals, focus on no-cook foods that provide the necessary nutrition.

There’s a lot of opportunity in pre-planned meal kits specifically designed for outdoor adventures. They cater to various dietary needs and are incredibly convenient, usually requiring just the addition of hot water.

Going On A Bigfoot Hunt And What To Bring

Remember, your first attempt doesn’t need to be your last. Test different meal strategies on shorter trips before the big hunt. That way, you’ll know what to expect and won’t face unwanted surprises.

Just don’t focus too much on perfection. The goal is to sustain your body and mind while you’re tracking the elusive Bigfoot. Your meal planning should support that goal, not complicate it.

So, as you pack your gear and set out into the wild in search of Bigfoot, make sure your nutrition is a priority. A well-fed explorer is an effective explorer. Happy hiking and camping.




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