Best Bigfoot Gear For A Beginner’s Adventure

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So let’s venture in to my blog here for a minute let’s chat about the exciting challenge of Bigfoot Researching that’s why your here right. Now for all you beginner’s out there that are just not sure what you will need for a trip like this. So here is a very important fact to start with you are about to go up against one of the biggest Mystical creatures know to be roaming the wooded area’s around the world. He is the king of hide & Seek lol so you will need to beat him at his own game. As well his stories are dating back to the Mid-20th century. Sasquatch is The Ultimate mystical creature He has grown into a cultural icon. Search for Bigfoot can be so much fun, from beginner to even the veterans of the Elasticsearch. It’s just a unbelievable topic From planing a amazing trip on all the Bigfoot Hot spots and where-they Are located. Also what you will need on this amazing adventure. Planning what the day’s adventure’s will unfold.

Understanding the basics before venturing out in to wilderness we will be starting out with a good safety/Rescue plan should anything go wrong.. Remember folks the wilderness is a beautiful and mystical place to journey. But can also turn dangerously bad or worse sometime’s even deadly. All in the bink of the eye So let someone know where you are go and how long you plan on going for that’s the major part . This way if you do get in to trouble. You can have a sound mind knowing someone will be coming and all you have to do is wait it out. Now you can start forces on what your really heading out to the woods to find the mystical Bigfoot him self and prove that he really dose exist. To the world !!

Venturing in to the great unknown with a widespread of green forest area’s sounding you and as far as the eye can see the dark shadow top of mountain glistening through the beautiful, Mystical, Orange sun setting sky. So through this rugged terrian just be careful it is very importance to having the right gear for comfort, safety, and success. But we will cover all that for you here in this blog. stay tuned

Bigfoot Research what Clothing to Pack

So choosing the appropriate clothing for this journey you’er about to embark on.

Let’s Take a look at some thing that you will be going up against out there ?

Extreme weather condition’s with very rough terrain with wild life sounding you at all times.

Just like our old buddy- Bigfoot probably wont be hard to track him Because he is a curious creature at hart lol. So being ready for anything will make a big different for you. Here is my ultimate list for Bigfoot researching for beginner’s and having a good pack will be a better and safer trip for you to enjoy.

You’er going to want to make sure you have a good Hat, on this journey this will help keep your body heat in as well the sun or rain off of your head and face. So you don’t want to miss that big moment.

Next let’s chat about a good Jacket, hoodie and cargo pant, & Hiking Boots, Socks I like to use these brands i provided here for you because they never failed me yet i’m always warm and dry on my Bigfoot venture’s and that’s a fact.

Now let’s look at you’er base camp stuff.

we will start out with the Tent you will want to take, Also the best Sleeping Bag to use, with my Favorite Trail cam , to put up around base camp

Using the right Camping Cookware kit, which is is to pack and takes not much room in you pack, using the right Survival kit this is Critical and boy is it sweet to have in my pack if i need it, Camouflage clothing I like to have a second set for the night time if its colder that night, Camping chair, along with a folding table to hold you cookware

Rope, with a Storage food bag, as well as a 72 hour survival food kit.

Now that we have the basic’s and your feeling pumped and ready to get your adventure started let’s think of how we are going to get all our basic camping gear to the spot were we are going to set up base camp for the research of tracking down the mystical Bigfoot. You know taking a trip like this can be the time of your life.

Let’s move on to the next step.

Critical Gear and Equipment For Tracking and search for Bigfoot

We have a long hike to make.. If we want to make a base camp by night fall. So let’s start selecting a good backpack: for balancing size, comfort, and accessibility having the right pack will help you feel more relaxed with carting the weight of your supplies down those dusty old trail. So the Navigational tools we will be using will be a compass for the unmarked trails we will be venturing down in the wilderness well on the search.

You are going to want to Documenting your research: you will need a few different cameras on this trip, Some Tail cam’s Around base camp to capture all the movement well you sleep. you will also want to set a few trail cam’s in spots that don’t have much traffic by people but there will always be a small bated down path showing you the where to look for grass that is bent over that will be a high animal traffic tail but which one that is what you will have to find out. Bigfoot will be moving around you’er base camp at night as Bigfoot is a very curious creature with you’er stuff. Also you are going to want to get a Video Camera Camcorder 5K 56MP Vlogging Camera  this will give you a high quality video. When you’er on those hikes this will be your main line of evidence.

Last-Minute Checklist

OK awesome we are ready to walk out the door so let’s Double-checking your gear well we pack the truck. As Bigfoot hunting ethics: respecting wildlife and the environment is the biggest must. we want to have these place’s still standing for our kids to enjoy with a place for the stories to live on. You are going to cross wild life for sure so make sure to Carrie bear spray at all time, That far in the bush you’er far game for any big game predators Bear, Cougars, Wolves. So Preparing for emergencies: with a first aid Kit just may save someone’s life out there.

Wrapping up: ensuring you’re ready for the Bigfoot adventure

So a recap let quickly go though everything on you check list.

Hiking backpack, Hat, Jacket, cargo pant, Sock’s & Hiking Boots, + Extra cloths. Now that your body is protected let’s get that base camp checked off .

Tent,+ Sleeping Bag,+ Trail cam,+ Camping chair, + Camping Cookware kit,+ Survival kit – Nice we are all set for our base camp to be set up and comfortable.

Camouflage clothing,- for tracking & blending in to the surrounding’s well researching Bigfoot.

Storage food bag, + rop – This is to hang your food up at night in a tree well you sleep just out side of base camp. its best for the animals and you. that way you don’t wake up to a unexpected creature stealing your food or worse attacking you to get the food. So this is a good tool to have very smart a must have in my book’s

I like to take canned Stew ,  Protein Bars As well a 72 hour survival food kit. this is just a back up in case something goes wrong . Also a ton of water. you don’t want to be finding water and then having to boil it before you drink it that never a fun time.

Okay.. This is totally awesome now that we have all our basic’s stuff… Oh but wait what about our research gear ?

See we almost forgot the best part of the whole trip the researching part . Okay here is a bit of a rundown for you on equipment i like to use its all easy to pack in that nice hiking bag you got for the trip :

Potensic ATOM 3-Axis Gimbal 4K GPS Drone 

To search the real rough terrain its better to have a drone handy as sometime’s it is easier to map out some of the terrain before attempting it. very good piece of equipment to have in your tool box.

ORDRO Video Camera Camcorder 1080P 60FPS Digital Camera Recorder IR Night Vision Camcorders 

To capture the big moment when it happens But just try to hold it steady that way we get a good shot to analyses as most video almost always cut out or blurry from all the movement that the person is making . and always remember to have night vision that a must. Because if you hear noise now you can go investigate.

Sony ICD-PX370 Mono Digital Voice Recorder with Built-In USB Voice Recorder,

-You never know what you will catch on it. if you can get a Bigfoot taking on this it can help you later down the road on you next trip for luring him in.

MUCKLILY Emf Meter Magnetic Field Detector Detector Digital Emf Reader Emf Detector Ghost Equipment Ghost Detector Emf Inspections Tester Electromagnetic Emf Recorder

So Bigfoot may not be the only thing that you encounter out there. there could be skin-walker’s & ghost you just never know. But it will help you Electromagnetic : magnetic field detector is a portable tool for detecting magnetic field that cannot be seen or touched, an essential tool for many industries. just nice to have out in the field for any Occasion that may come up.

Right on now we have it all. You will be at the top of you’er game, Starting out as a beginner but turn-to a researching pro in no time at all.

now it’s time to hit the open road and off on the adventure of a life time filling your research full of great find’s with lot’s of great evidence to share .with us here at Wildfoot myths.

so once you arrive at the parking lot where you will leave you truck at the base of the trail. You should try and walking for a good 3 hours in the trail . This will be the ideal spot to set up base camp for the night once everything is set up and your enjoying you stew by the fire crackling fire and talking about old folklore and a black night sky filled with sparkling stars above you . Now is the perfect time to give a long deep Howell in to the night. Then wait and listen for the reply you may need to do this a few time, and if that don’t work you will have to find a fairly big branch and try hitting it on a tree 3 time hard . If there are Bigfoot around you you’er probably going to get that reply .

Thanks for reading hope to see you on the search.

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