
In loving memory of my cousin, Nathan Dee, who left us on April 11, 2023, I have created this page to honor his incredible spirit. Nathan was an amazing person in every role he took on:

a devoted son, loyal husband,a loving father, a wonderful brother, an extraordinary nephew, and the best friend a cousin could ever ask for. He had a unique ability to connect with people,

making him someone you could sit down with and discuss anything, especially the mysteries of the unknown, which he was so passionate about. Through this site, I hope to share and preserve the love and fascination Nathan had for the unknown. His stories and our memories together often come to mind as I work on my blog, and I want to use this platform to keep his legacy alive.

My passion for mythical creatures sparked this journey of mine so i guess it started when I was a kid growing up. Always hearing wild stories around campfire’s with family and friends . Seeing so much stuff on TV for documentary’s that got my mind soaring . Now that I’m in my 40’s and looking back on my life I decided to build a website to share with people on Bigfoot with legends and myths. So just maybe some people are still wounding the same thing that I am. So lets go find what’s really out there.
I’m looking forward to you all joining me on this journey .Writing blogs is more than a hobby to me ; It become a passion for me to be able to share my thought’s in to stories with others and to show my kids to never stop believing, the sky is the limit. Another great thing is so much support out there with so many amazing Bigfoot communities and others Great community that likes to belong to. Hearing all the stories that are shared by in book’s, videos, as well online. 
Learn more here
 Why I find Sasquatch & mythical creatures fascinating and worth exploring. There is so much more that meets the eye out there then we really know. Also to Bring history and stories to life. Chatting with people that have had encounters as well taking a look at lots of evidence out there. Invitation to the community: Share and contribute to discover the real truths.
I’m thrilled for us to venture together through this amazing stories with fact’s. Acknowledging the community and our collective efforts.A heartfelt thanks for helping this platform thrive with engagement and curiosity. Let’s get started.

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